Camacho Cigar is one of the most popular cigar brands in the world. These roll-ups originate in the Honduran valleys and are best known for their aroma and flavor. No wonder these all-American-style cigars deliver pleasure to a smoker effortlessly. The all new re-blended Camacho cigars are not only well serviceable, but also some of the best things that can be smoked right out of factory. Some of the Camacho cigars like the CLE are extremely limited and hard to find cigars. So they top the list in a collector’s box. Another rare one is the Camacho Liberty 2009 and very few Camacho owners who have a cigar from every release of the company actually own it.
The all new Criollo from Camacho is a medium intensity smoke that draws smoothly and offers a delicate blend that is hard to resist. It is available in many sizes to cater to the tastes of all types of cigar aficionados. The Criollo 98 offers a spicy, sweet and highly aromatic aftertaste. This medium body smoke has Camacho written all over it. Similarly the Camacho Connecticut and Corojo are awesome tobies that can be enjoyed at leisure or at work. For a celebratory puff, nothing is better than the Triple maduro and the Diploma as the full bodied-ness of these cigars deliver a powerhouse of flavours.
The brand has pledged allegiance to bold over cigar lovers for more than half a century. Veterans have always preferred Camacho over all other reputed cigar brands for the exclusivity of these cigars especially the Blackout, Liberty and Ditka throwback series. Hence in typical American style, if something is good, Camacho is the best of the lot.
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