Thursday, 20 March 2014
Amazing Cigar Deals For Fine Winter Season
The pack of five cigars in the sampler embraces Romeo Y Julieta 1875, Reserva Real, Cabinet selection, Habana Reserve and Reserve Maduro No 4. Four of the cigar varieties come in the size of Corona, 5 ½ x44, while one encompass the Maduro variety with 5x44 cigar size. Cigar aficionados can get to taste five different assortments of flavors through these five cigars that lend a complete element of relaxation and refreshment in sultry winter evenings. Take a puff of the Romeo Y Julieta Cabinet Selection to experience a smooth creamy flavor tinged with the aroma of oils which come from the wrapper. Experience the true essence of the romantic tragedy with the hearty flavor of the Romeo Y Julieta Habana Reserve or treat your taste buds with the exuberantly creamy and dark coffee zests of 1875 variety.
Popular and Affordable Ashton Cigars
The mind blowing range of Ashton Cigars, better known as Ashton Classic comes from the factories of Arturo Fuernte and made from the rarest of Dominican leaves in the Dominican Republic. The cigars are manufactured in 6 various blends which embrace two most popular varieties of the brand namely, the Virgin Sun Grown and the Aged Heritage. The medium-bodied cigar tantalizes the taste buds of cigar buffs with a spicy peppery flavor whose richness is felt consistently throughout the body of the cigar from the first puff till the end.
Ashton Classic comes in cigars of myriad sizes and what appeals to many cigar lovers are the exquisite miniatures in the form of Ashton Mini Cigarillos, the Ashton Cordial, the Ashton Half Corona, Ashton Esquire and Ashton Cigarillo 10/10. For those who like to relax and soothe their minds with the smoky delights of cigars for long time over chatting or pondering over a drink the big cigars from Ashton Magnum, Aston Prime Minister, Ashton Imperial, Ashton Majesty, Ashton Belicoso and Ashton Crystal No.1, the most coveted among these being the Ashton Panatella.
Apart from the exuberant golden wrapper and the rich taste, what makes the Ashton line of cigars most popular among cigar connoisseurs is the affordable price at which you get to taste some of the most delightful range of cigars. Coming at a price of 8.70 for a single Ashton cigar, the brand is considered a reasonable option among its more expensive counterparts, many of which go beyond reach of common men. However, the producers ensure that quality is not compromised in any way even with the best prices at which the cigars are available in the market.
So if you are looking for some grand cigar tasting experience and do not know where to look for, Mike’s Cigars brings its fascinating collection of Ashton Cigars right at your doorstep and at mind blowing discounts as well.
Pay Less for Gurkha Cigars
The joy of holding a luxuriant cigar in your hand and sharing nostalgic anecdotes and indulging in laughter with old friends is an experience of a lifetime and when the cigar which stands in between your fingers is one of Gurkha Cigars there is no doubt about the pleasure that you will derive. Gurkha cigars come in extremely smooth flavored concoctions and exuding a robust built mostly enveloped in matte wrappers and delightful for average cigar smokers. Although a relatively newer launch in the cigar cosmos the brand has already received a lot of plaudits with such awards bestowed on its various categories as 10 Best Cigar Award for the Gurkha 125th Anniversary Special Series and Best Bargain Cigars for the Ninja line of Gurkha cigars.
The brand came to be categorized as the most expensive cigar in the world when it launched its His Majesty’s Reserve cigar, a limited edition of cigars containing cognac drops of a very rare variety which went on to give it a price of $15,000 for a box. While this variety remains reserved for the upscale and elite cigar connoisseurs, there are others which cater to the pockets of bargain cigar hunters as well, such as the Ninja priced at $118 for a pack of 18 and Legend Intruder Torpedo costing $320 for a bundle of 20 cigars. However, when bought online you can pay much less and yet enjoy an authentic cigar tasting experience.
Mike’s Cigars boasts itself of stocking a fascinating repertoire of Gurkha Cigars at much attenuated rates than the market prices. For instance the Gurkha Ninja box of 20 can be obtained at $92.95 and the Legend Torpedo can be enjoyed by shelling only $79.95 instead of the whopping $320. This and much more awaits you at Mike’s Cigars from the extensive array of some of the best varieties of Gurkha cigars.
Behind the Success of Camacho Cigars
Hold a Camacho Cigar in your hand and you will know for sure the stupendous amount of craftsmanship that goes into rolling and making the wrapper. Take a puff and you will be transported to a world of pleasant surprises with distinct, creamy flavors striking your olfactory senses and tantalizing your taste buds to the lees. Every bit of this luxury cigar coming in myriad varieties and an assortment of tastes and aromas speaks volumes about the attention to detailing and the care taken to manufacture them. Thanks to the pioneering initiative of Simon Camacho, cigar aficionados today can get to treat themselves to some delightful tinges of cigar flavors with this world-class brand.
So what is the story behind the success of the Camacho Cigars? Simon Camacho, a Cuban native by origin embarked on his cigar entrepreneurial venture in Miami, Florida in 1961 which soon gained immense success reaching out to such renowned personalities as Winston Churchill the honorable Prime Minister of Britain. Five years post Camacho’s death in 1995 the reins of his company were taken over by the Eiroa family who brought the tobacco production culture to Honduras from Nicaragua. It was under the patronage and efforts of the President of the company Christian Eiroa, that Camacho Cigars reached its zenith of success becoming a part of the elite cigar companies of the world.
The company as you see currently is a part of the cigar Giant Oettinger Davidoff Group, although the Eiroa family still remains the owners of the tobacco fields in Honduras. Camacho cigars are made from the tobacco cultivated and harvested in Jamastran Valley, Nicaragua and Honduras tobacco fields and rolled and cured in factories which are operated by Julio Eiroa in Jamastran and Christian in Miami. The meticulous efforts of the cigar artisans, the attention to maintaining high quality and competitive prices are some of the factors which according to the Eiroa family have been reasons behind the unprecedented success of the Camacho Cigars.
If you are a cigar aficionado and wish to relish the true flavors of Camacho, Mike’s Cigars is your ultimate cigar destination to get your hands on a variety of cigars under the brand.
Monday, 3 March 2014
The Best Places to Get Davidoff Cigars
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It is
one of the brands that have grown with striking demand. Yes! We are
talking about Davidoff, one of the most popular Cigar brands around
the world. Known for being made in Dominican Republic since the early
90s, the brand has now expanded its bases to deal with tremendous
appetite for Nicaraguan. The result is a fine blend of Nicaraguan and
Cuban cigar varieties, which have elegance and balance, boasting of a
flavor profile that goes from creamy to sweet to spicy and leathery.
Toro is amongst the world’s favorite when it comes to Davidoff. But
what are the best places to get your Davidoff Cigars?
it or not, it’s not your local retailer! In fact, if you want
original, heavy bodied and strong Davidoff products that suit your
requirements, then online cigar stores are your best option. Offering
hassle free cigar shopping experience, these online retailers will
provide you the largest variety of cigars from Davidoff than your
local retailer ever will.
when it comes to the best places for buying Davidoff, make sure that
you purchase your cigars only from a trusted retailer, someone who
offers fresh cigars, has testimonials, money back guarantees and
faster shipping. After all, you wouldn’t want your cigars from
Davidoff to spend too much of time in transit, away from their
humidors. Would you?
is one of the brands that have widest range of cigars. And what may
appeal to your cigar loving friend mayn’t appeal you. That’s why
you should choose a website that offers unique cigar samplers. Some
of the best cigar sellers offer different cigars to choose from. You
can select a box size and then order something that suits your taste
buds and flavor requirements.
purchasing cigars from Davidoff, the best place to buy is a website
that offers data encryption, allowing you to make a safe purchase.
This ensures that you not just get one of the best cigars in the
world, but also secure your personal and banking information from
being interpreted by anyone else. Read privacy policy or terms of
usage if required. Look for someone that offers free shipping
facilities, which will help you save oodles of money.
a word of caution! Never ever buy cigars from Davidoff by a website
that offers Cuban Cigars. By Cuban cigars, we don’t mean cigars
made from Cuban Tobacco, but Cigars that are manufactured in Cuba. It
is illegal to sell Cuban made cigars in US and you may end up paying
thousands of dollars in fine. Plus, you would never know if the
products are real or counterfeit. So, only a reliable and popular
cigar seller online is the best place to buy cigars from Davidoff.
You're Losing Money by Not Using Avo Cigar
Avo is a result of collaboration between Avo Uvezian and Hendrik Kelner along with Davidoff. Yes, Uvezian is the same guy who penned Sinatra’s ‘Strangers in the Night.’ He, along
Considering that Avo has endless varieties of cigars , investing on the brand is perhaps one of the best ways to ensure that you get the best flavors for the price. In fact, cigar connoisseurs even believe that if you don’t have Avo on your list of cigars then you are probably just wasting and losing your money. Want to know why? Well, the brand produces some of the following popular vitolas, which makes them a must have for cigar lovers-
Domaine Avo - One of the most popular, this one isn’t just about an excellent draw and burn. It is all about enjoying earthy balance. Hint of orange peel and cumin makes it rich and elegant.
Heritage Short Torpedo-Love Chocolate? Well, this cocoa wrapper will certainly woo you. It is a full bodied smoke with heady leather and spice notes that any expert level cigar smoker would love to puff. Hint of earthy touch is accentuated by cocoa bean.
75th Anniversary- You are not a true cigar lover if you haven’t laid your hands on it. Don’t lost money; invest on the 75th Anniversary edition, which boasts of firm bunch, rounded heady, toasty coffee flavor and subtle amalgamation of nuts. The best part- the flavor of this one improves as it ages!
No. 3- This one is an absolute value for investment and a joy to smoke. Packed with tobacco, hint of chocolate and spice, it is wonderful and the flavors are long lasting!
With Davidoff’s reputation and Kelner’s Cigar making skills brought out perfect cigars, which results in one terrific smoke. One can imagine their fan base considering that the brand sells over 2 million super premium sticks annually. Constructed from finest of the premium leaves, showing shade wrapper and boasting of Dominican filler leaves, Avo cigars are one of those products that offer value for every cent spent! Consequently, the cigar lover gets creamy, smooth taste, subtle flavors and wonderful aroma that heightens the senses and stimulates mind.
Domaine Avo 20- It is an erroneous belief that Avo doesn’t have great products for beginners. In fact, the brand has special Domaine Avo 20, which is a fine draw designed to warm up slowly, showing leather and earth notes along with rich, woody flavor.
With exceptional varieties, long lasting flavors and incredible puffs, Avo is the brand that you must not miss upon.
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