Sunday, 19 January 2014

Davidoff Cigars – A Perfect Gift

Cigar beginners and enthusiasts happily indulge into a Davidoff cigar because a puff from a Davidoff is the best way to unwind. Besides, these cigar packs make great gifts for loved ones and go well in all occasions. Moreover, holidaying is meaningless without a Davidoff because this cigar comes in a wide range of flavors and match with all cigar gadgets. These cigars are hand crafted exclusively in the tobacco farms of the Dominican Republic. They might seem a little pricey but the rich blend and top quality in the cigar’s flavors are priceless. Best of all, one can enjoy a seamless burn as the easy draw progresses with a relentless consistency.

Basically Davidoff cigar range belongs to a Swiss luxury tobacco goods brand. The brand manufactures cigars, cigarettes and pipe tobaccos. The name is therefore synonymous with lavishness and luxury. These cigars are of the highest caliber possible and they deliver nothing but the best to the enthusiast. Some products in the line include mild to medium strength grand cru and aniversario series, mild strength corazon, classic and cigarillo series and finally the much loved medium to full strength maduro, millennium blend, Nicaragua, puro, special and white label limited edition. 

Every Davidoff cigar contains 4 years old handpicked tobacco and the fillers are exclusively Dominican. Of all the products in this category the Davidoff's Millennium Blend is hard to resist for this cigar is regarded by cigar enthusiasts as the best Davidoff blend. It consists of genuine Ecuadorian sun grown wrapper which is why the cigar releases a full-flavored, full-bodied smoke. All in all, taking a puff off a Davidoff is rich and satisfying to the brim.

Ashton Cigars- One of the Finest Cigars

High end cigars from Ashton Cigars are very popular amongst cigar aficionados across the globe. These cigars are hand rolled by experts at the Chateau Fuente factories. Basically these cigars are mild to medium-bodied and go best with a not so strong drink. This Dominican cigar comes in a Connecticut shade wrapper encompassing a deftly rich flavor that climaxes with a short and succinct finish. Besides every puff off an Ashton has a toasty aroma that is filled with competing flavors of wood and cashew nuts; this is complemented with a light yet spicy aftertaste.

The Ashton Classis is a perfectly constructed stogie that lets one draw out a smooth blend easily. The smoke is a milky cloud that further enriches the experience. Besides every Ashton burn perfectly right from the start to the finish without any flaw or blemish. One just has to keep aside an hour or two of leisure time to actually enjoy an Ashton completely. Most Ashton fans enjoy puffing on their favorite cigar brand in a laid-back social gathering at home or in an unruffled pub.

Ashton cigars are available at affordable rates and can be bought in singles or packs of 5 and 25. One must store their favorite Ashton cigars in functional humidors and age them a little to extract the most out of these hand-made cigars. This solid Dominican stogie has an element of surprise in every puff and this suspense cannot be described in words. One has to draw a smoke from a genuine Ashton to know the difference.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Romeo y Julieta Cigar Sampler

Buy Romeo y Julieta cigar sampler at Mike's Cigars with same day free shipping. The company also offers a great range of humidors, lighters and other accessories at very low price. Call to order 800-962-4427 or visit

Monday, 13 January 2014

Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes?

People smoke cigarettes for psychological pleasure. It relieves you from stress and pressure and refreshes the mind. It gives the smoker a satisfaction which can’t be derived from anything else. Sometimes people smoke to take a break and relax. It becomes a legitimate excuse to steal a moment of interruption from work or too much stress. What initially begins out of peer pressure soon turns into a hard to get rid of addiction. When one is having a hard day, if a person just sits back and relaxes through the length of a cigarette, he or she feels much refreshed. At times when you want to reward yourself, you promise yourself a smoke after the completion of your work. It gives you the feel of a pat on your back. Smoking stimulates the brain with nicotine laden blood reaching the brain which helps in concentrating more and think more vividly.

Though cigarette gives you momentary pleasure, but its smoke gives you lifelong diseases. Cigarettes constitute of toxins like nicotine, tar and carbon dioxide which causes severe damage to our health.  Nicotine causes cardiovascular disorder, tar causes cancer and carbon dioxide damages the respiratory system of human body. Consumption of cigarettes can turn fatal or do permanent damage to the health. To avoid the ill effects of smoking, nicotine free cigarettes has been invented. These are completely tobacco free cigarettes which nullifies the health hazards caused due to smoking. They are also called e shisha cigarettes. E cigarettes are battery operated vaporising machines which converts a liquid and gives you the satisfaction of a puff with the immaculate taste and aroma of a normal cigarette. These rechargeable e shisha cigarettes are available in a variety of flavours according to the smoker’s choice which will also help him in getting rid of the bad habit.

To know more about electronic cigarettes and e shisha pens or to order your own pack logon to .