Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Great Cigar Samplers for Great Low Prices

Cigars are available from the most famous places throughout the world such as Honduras, Nicaragua and Indonesia. Good quality cigar brands use a hand-made technique of rolling the cigars with new machinery based methods coming up. Cigars use a variety of tobacco forms, whole leaves or shredded, in various combinations with a host of colors available for wrappers. The taste and flavor of the cigars depends on a lot of factors such as the following:

1. Origin of Tobacco

Certain countries like Honduras produce a strong flavored tobacco as compared to others. It depends on the soil and weather conditions and of course, on the breed of tobacco plant.

2. Amount of Tobacco

The more amount used in a cigar, more is the strength and flow rate of flavor. It can produce from mild to blast forms of flavors.

3. Form of Tobacco

Tobacco can be used as whole leaves or shredded into pieces for variation in the rate of burning of the cigar.

4. Rate of Tobacco Burn

The rate at which tobacco leaves is allowed to burn decides how much tobacco is released varying the flavor of the cigar. The rate can be varied by introducing slow burning tobacco leaves like seco and fillers.

5. Color of Wrapper

Cigar wrappers come in a variety of darkness from double claro being the lightest and mildest to oscuro being the darkest and strong. It adds to the flavor of the cigar if chosen wisely, according to the tobacco used for its components.
Cigars might already seem like a complicated and costly business of affairs to the new reader and fresh aficionado. To ease the process of selecting a cigar and finding the best fit, you can go for the cigar sampler.

Cigar samplers, as the name suggests, are used by the user to taste the cigars and select one or more for their final choice One such site where you can find cigar samplers is http://www.mikescigars.com . These samplers consist of pre-assorted cigar brands in a pack of 2 each to 10 each making the total number of cigars in a sampler from 10 to 50, respectively. The size and strength of the cigars are kept similar to aid the comparison and helping in the final selection. Since the samplers consist only of a few numbers of cigars from a brand, their cost is reduced to the user. For example, a sampler may consist of 2 cigars each from popular El Rey Del Mundo Cigars, Alec Bradley, Casino Gold, Gurkha Intruder and Arturo Fuente with same size and strength but different varieties.

One can find many types of samples on this site according to your requirement, preference choice and budget. If you are new to this, it is best to start with a small sample of 10 cigars and then move to experiment further. Moreover, do some research on the cigars before choosing the right package.

Cigar samplers are an innovative and practical approach to help the user gain knowledge and taste of the huge varieties of cigars without having to spend as much. Order your sampler set and start building your personal cigar selection based on your taste.

Review of H. Upmann Cigars

H. Upmann Cigars are widely renowned for their brilliant quality cigars. These cigars are admired and loved by cigar smokers all over the world. The company releases new cigars with unique flavors and aroma every year. The cigars are packed carefully using high quality wrappers. Special care is taken to introduce very high quality filler. The binder tobaccos are aged for over a period of at least two years.

The wrapper for H. Upmann cigars are made from Tapado’s top leaves. Tapado is a tobacco plant native of Cuba. It is a shade grown black plant. Use of the plant guarantees brilliant production of cigars. It is said that the wrapper is darker as compared to those used for other regular size cigars of the same brand. Admirers of H. Upmann cigars will immediately come to know about these wrappers and distinctive style the moment they hold it in their hand.

The H. Upmann Cigars are produced from finest tobacco leaves and a trademark for the eminent brand Alec Bradley cigars. These leaves are derived from Vuelta Abajo. One of the most distinctive characteristic of these cigars is the longer filler from the region. Hence, these cigars are the hot favourite among people all across the world especially those who know the difference between premium grade cigars and inferior ones. Only ardent cigar aficionados can relish the distinctive taste and aroma of the cigar by this company. These cigars are easily available online these days. So, one can buy these from the comfort of their home.

A lot of cigar smokers are intrigued by the H. Upmann. Right from the colour to size, aroma, taste, overall look, and style, these cigars are loved for their features and everything they are made of. No wonder these are rated as the number one cigars by the company since many years. Since the advent of these cigars, they have been admired by the cigar lovers.

The Upmann cigars are veined and own a very mesmerising rustic-looking that cigar lovers go ga-ga over. Another wonderful feature in this regard is the dark wrapper which almost imitates the color of dark chocolate. The seams of the cigars are raised and plainly visible. The triple cap is also obliquely applied to the cigar. Presently the latest release of the cigar has been done for a ‘Limited release’. Cigar enthusiasts would definitely like to have this cigar as keepsake. A lot of these are offered as samples. The cigars are available both nationally and internationally. Cigar smokers can buy these from online stores as per their convenience.

H. Upmann is a leading brand name for expensive state of the art premium cigar. The company was established way back in the year 1844 in Cuba. It is also counted as amongst the oldest in the competitive cigar industry. These cigars are made in two different versions. One of these is presently continued to be manufactured in Cuban island for Habanos SA. This is also the state owned Cuban organization for tobacco. The other one is produced for the United States market owing to the Cuban prohibition in La Romana. The company has maintained its reputation for offering high quality cigars till date without fail.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

How to Become a Cigar Connoisseur

Be it apparel, food, automobiles or any other consumable, each individual’s palette differs. What may appeal to one may be a complete dislike for another. Similarly cigar preferences too differ from one individual to the other. While some like full bodied cigars, others prefer mild variants. But, if you wish to be a cigar connoisseur you’ll have to move beyond the realm of likes and dislikes to try everything that’s available. Only then will you be experienced enough to be able to share opinions and reviews with others and eventually become a cigar connoisseur.

Reading up is the key

Having grown up in places where cigars are manufactured or where tobacco is grown can certainly be an advantage, making the process of becoming a cigar connoisseur easier, due to the ready access to the rich history of cigars. Knowledge forms the building blocks in the process of becoming a true cigar connoisseur, not merely smoking a large variety of cigars. The more you know about cigars the better you get at being an expert.


Having said that knowledge is the biggest stepping stone to being a cigar connoisseur, there are a number of resources an aspirant can leverage.

  • Libraries
  • Online materials
  • Tobacconists
  • Online Cigar forums
  • Cigar shows

While these are only a few means, there can be many more ways to discover and know about cigars. Even speaking to a cigar connoisseur you know can give you insight into a lot about cigars. So always stay on the lookout for any kind of information about cigars that comes your way.

What to read?

Cigars have a fascinating and rich history behind them be it a Padron or a Camacho. Beginning from where and how they are grown to how they are manufactured to how they are smoked, there are lots to know. Study about the eminent figures who smoked cigars, their personalities, their lifestyles, their preferences and the brands that they relished. Read about the different kinds of tobacco leaves that are produced around the world, which places are famous for tobacco leaves, how cigars were developed and grew into a cult of its own. Know what cigar wrapper colors say about cigars and what different varieties of Camacho Cigars mean.

It’s interesting to know about the families who have been into manufacturing the most relished and famous brands of cigars. Even minuscule things about cigars such what different kinds of veins on them indicate about their properties can be valuable in enhancing your knowledge.  You should also know which drinks or food can complement different kinds of cigars and what can be the best times of the year you can best relish different kinds of cigars.

Experiment to Experience

To be a cigar connoisseur you cant be choosy about what you want to smoke. You should try everything that’s available. Different brands from different countries, different prices, different blends, different lengths, different sizes and different ages.

Also, ensure you document each kind of cigar you smoke with details of where you purchased it from, the price, the brand, the blend, its features, the taste, the thought that arose when smoking it, what you complemented that cigar with and so on so forth. You can always refer back to it in future to relive your cigar smoking experience.

Share your Knowledge

Now that you have considerable knowledge and experience, it’s time to share it with others. This is the best part of being a cigar connoisseur and if you’ve truly aspired to be one, you’ll enjoy every bit of it. Join a cigar board or spend time at your local tobacconist to share your knowledge with the visitors there.

Do you aspire to be a cigar connoisseur? How many varieties of cigars have you smoked till date? Share your thoughts and experiences with us.

Pairing Cigars to Drinks: Top Pairings

Pairing cigars with drinks have been a topic of debate among cigar smokers and connoisseurs since decades and continues till date. So, how do you know which drink to pair with your cigar of choice? Is there an equation for a perfect pairing?

Honestly, there is no equation to perfect cigar and drink pairing. Neither is there a bible to get your dilemma sorted. Cigar and drink pairings is a mystery that remains unsolved till date and even the most seasoned experts and long time connoisseurs of cigars and wines find themselves at loss when it comes to pairing cigars with drinks.

Cigar and Drink Pairing – It’s in the TongueTaste is the role player when it comes to pairing a drink with your cigar. There can be multiple kinds of drinks that can pair with a cigar and the combination choices may differ from person to person. So combinations are more of a personal choice which is probably why cigar and drink pairings remains a mystery.

Common Pairings

Tastes for wines and cigars develop over time and the same goes for pairing cigars with drinks. The more tastes you experience, the more refined your choices become. However, the rule book says that pairs should always be made by matching the body type of cigars. No cigar should overpower a drink and vice versa.

For instance, a light-bodied cigar will pair well with blended scotches, young red wines and some white wines too. A medium-bodied cigar can best be accompanied with Speysides, Lowland whiskeys, rums, ports, Irish whiskeys, bourbons, and ryes. A full-bodied cigar however best complements heavy Highland single malts and Peaty Islay.

While pairing cigars with alcoholic drinks is common, cigars can be paired with non-alcoholic drinks such as coffee and mocktails as well for instance cappuccino, coffee with Irish cream, Sangria (alcohol-free), etc. However, most cigar connoisseurs believe that alcoholic drinks best complement the smoke of Partagas cigars.

Insignia, a popular lifestyle boutique lists top 10 cigar and spirit combinations suggested by Maurizio Zatti, a cigar concierge for Cigars at No. Ten. The purpose of highlighting the combinations is because these combinations are actually great and should be tried by every cigar connoisseur.
  • Partagas lusitania Gran Reserva ‘cosecha 2007’ & Remy Martin xo
  • Montecristo no. 2 Grand Reserva ‘cosecha 2006′ & Ron Zacapa Centenario xo
  • Cohiba Behike 56 & Johnnie Walker Blue Label
  • Romeo y Julietta Churchill Reserva ‘cosecha 2008’&  Jack Daniels Single Barrel
  • Montecristo 520 & Macallan ‘Triple cask matured’ 21 yo
  • Hoyo de Monterray Grand Epicure L.E. 2013 & Tattinger Brut Reserve
  • Romeo y Julietta de Luxe L.E. 2013 & Havana Club 15 yo Gran Reserva
  • Bolivar Petit Bellicosos L.E. 2009 & Lagavulin 16 yo
  • Cohiba Piramides Extra & Hibiki Single Malt
  • H. Uppman Robusto L.E. 2012 & Hibiki Suntory 17 yo
Which are your favorite cigar and drink combinations? Share your opinions and experiences with us; we’d love to hear from you as well.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Arturo Fuente Cigars: World-Class Superiority

What is an aficionado? The word is of 19th century Spanish origin, and derived from a noun for ‘amateur’ and a participle meaning ‘to become fond of’. Today, the word is commonly used to denote someone who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity. In the tobacco world, the word is most commonly associated with the magazine Cigar Aficionado, a lifestyle magazine devoted the topics of cigars and the luminaries who enjoy smoking them. Cigar Aficionado is well known and respected for its treatment of cigars, its comparison of various brands, and its rankings of different cigars. One family of cigars, one that consistently graces the pages of, and earns high rankings by, Cigar Aficionado, is the American-based, eponymous brand of Cuban émigré, Arturo Fuente.

The Arturo Fuente brand of cigar is celebrated around the world for its medium to full-bodied taste, and the unparalleled excellence with which the company cultivates its wrapper leaf and filler tobacco. The brand has been around for over 100 years, and for U.S. cigar-smoking purchasers, following the Cuban embargo, the brand has provided readily available access to a traditional Cuban-type cigar, without violating trade law. The Fuente family continues to keep tight control of the company, and the cigar production process, in the same meticulous manner that allowed the operation to grow from a husband-wife hand-rolling cigar enterprise into what is now one of the most critically acclaimed cigar makers in the world.

One experience with an Arturo Fuente cigar and even the most amateur of smokers will understand what it means to become truly fond of something, to be an aficionado. Whether one is seeking a power smoke, or a more subtle flavor, Arturo Fuente offers several different lines of cigars guaranteed to satisfy any taste, ranging from the inexpensive to the premium. Try the Arturo Fuente Rosado Sungrown Magnum R Vitola Forty-Four, hailed the No. 5 Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado, wrapped in Ecuadoran leaf and filled with a spicy yet mellow blend of tobacco. Or allow the popular Hemingway series of perfecto cigars to delight the senses with its rich earthy tones and woody aroma, emerging from its exquisite blend of Dominican filler and Cameroon wrapper. Or experience the flagship cigar of Arturo Fuente, the Gran Reserva series, an internationally hailed superior cigar, crafted through each step of the cigar making process by hand workmanship, blended with carefully selected high quality vintage tobacco, grown on a private reserve, and gracing the smoker with a tangy aroma and a smooth chocolate-laced coffee palate.

Whether one is seeking a cigar for his or her own personal pleasure or to bestow upon another as a gift, selecting Arturo Fuente cigars demonstrates that the buyer is knowledgeable about tobacco, quality, and tradition. These cigars can be purchased online or at tobacco shops around the world, are available in individual units, sampler sizes, or boxes, ranging in price from a couple dollars to several hundred. To smoke cigars like a true aficionado, the choice of brands is clear: Arturo Fuente.

History of the Cuban Cohiba Cigar

The Cohiba cigar originated from a man named Eduardo Ribera in Cuba in the mid 1960’s. He had perfected a special blend of tobaccos and special leaves to make this excellent cigar. He gave the cigars to family and friends and was not marketing them. One day a bodyguard of Fidel Castro gave him one of the cigars. Castro inquired about the blend of the cigar and was told it came from a friend who makes the cigar for his personal use only. He was told, however, Mr. Ribera gave the cigars to special friends and family members. Fidel Castro ordered the man to be found and brought to him. After meeting with Ribera a factory was created in a small house.

The original cigar was called the Fuma in 1963. In 1964 a small factory was made to produce the cigar. In 1966 the El Laguito Factory was created to enable the cigar to be produced on a larger scale. The cigar originates in the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba. It is sent through a strong fermentation process which makes this one of the finest cigars in the world. In 1966 the Fuma cigar was officially named the “Cohiba” and maintains that name to this day.

The first US Registered brand of the Cohiba Cigar was in 1978. It has been produced in the Dominican Republic on a large scale since 1997. The history surrounding the cigar is very interesting. It is rumored that tight security was necessary during the early years of the Fuma or Cohiba. It is said that the CIA experimented with exploding cigars in an attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro, Rau Castro and Castro’s protégé Marxist revolutionary, Che Guevara. The cigar was never perfected to achieve the assassination and the rumor has never been proven to be a true fact. However, strict security was imposed at the factory while producing the cigars for Mr. Castro.

In 1982, the Cuban Cohiba brand was introduced at the World Cup in Spain. Three sizes were available at that time, the Paneta, the Corona Especial and the Lancero. In 1989 three more cigars were added to complete the Clasica Linea or Classic Line, the Robusto, the Exquisito and the Esplendido. Cohiba cigars are known worldwide as one of the most magnificent cigars ever made. It is produced in Cuba and was the absolute favorite of Fidel Castro. As a matter of fact, the cigar gained its popularity when Castro started giving the cigar as gifts to diplomats and dignitaries when they visited Cuba. In the early years, only a few hundred were produced annually, thus, making this one of the most sought after cigars on the planet. At one time the only way to obtain a Cohiba was as a gift from Fidel Castro.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Review of EP Carrillo cigars

The cigar making saga for every Ernesto Perez-Carrillo comes from the mastermind behind La Gloria Cubana. The brand is well known across the globe for being a full-bodied, full-flavored, blockbuster brand. Here is a detailed review on a few cigars of this brand for your benefit.

The brand has a legendary past and today, Ernesto has branched out to create a series of delicious super-premiums. These are christened as the delicious E.P Carrillo cigars. Recently these stogies won a spot amongst the world’s top 25 cigars for a reason. Their 92 point rating specified that these cigars render a creamy, subtly spicy flavor that gives off a leathery note with hints of black-cherry sweetness.

They come in a variety of shapes such as Churchill, Corona, Gordo, Presidente, Pyramid, Robusto and Toro. Ecuador-Sumatra wrappers are used in these Dominican Republic originated cigars.

Some E.P. Carrillo cigars:

  • After taking a puff off the celebrated E.P. Carrillo Club 52, we knew that it is an above average maduro for it has a noticeably smoother draw which is consistent in every stick! It is highly recommended for maduro smokers and they can invest happily in a No. 4 5 pack.
  • The Churchill special is also praiseworthy for it renders a spicy and fairly full-bodied taste. It is not overwhelming, yet rich, spicy and everything that a perfect cigar should be like.
  • The Edicion Limitada Dark Rituals 2011 is different! It is mild, renders an awesome after taste for it is a great cigar and renders awesome taste. 

Best thing about investing in these cigars is that they are worth every dollar and promise a wholesome cigar smoking experience that can be enjoyed in a leisurely manner.

Why Gurkha is a Perfect Choice for Cigar Enthusiasts?

If there is product that defines finesse and perfection in the world of cigars, then it is the Gurkha brand. The company specializes in hand-rolled cigars and is known far and wide for manufacturing premium products only.

Our cigar spies have revealed that these premium stogies are blended by K. Hansotia himself. Under the guidance of such an expert, every Gurkha cigar encompasses an unrivaled aspiration be the industry’s finest blend. Besides, only the rarest and the best tobaccos are made use of in the Gurkha cigars.

Gurkha cigars have a rich history and have a deep rooted origin in India. Today they are manufactured in full scale in America and have earned a loyal fan base. The brand has been continuing to deliver quality cigars that come with a wide array of blends; each one of them is sure to please the palate of both veterans and beginner enthusiasts.

 Some premium cigar names from the Gurkha family are as follows:

1. The Gurkha 125th Anniversary Special Edition Connecticut XO has a size of 6x60 and is preferred amongst cigar aficionados who love medium strength puffs.

2. Similarly, the Gurkha 125th Anniversary Special Edition Maduro XO is also a medium strength stogie that originated in the Dominican Republic and comes in a regular shape.

3. Strong cigar lovers enjoy the full bodies Gurkha Evil XO that originates from Honduras and comes with a flavorsome Oscuro wrapper.

Similarly, there are many more popular brands in the Gurkha family. Almost all of them are celebrated cigars that are loved by enthusiasts the world over. No wonder Gurkha cigars are a perfect choice for cigar enthusiasts.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Mike's Cigar Annual Cigar Extravaganza

Mike's second annual Cigar Extravaganza in South Florida

Friday, 27 June 2014

The Lounge at Mikes Cigar Bar

Mike's Cigars carries hundreds of premium cigar brands and accessories since 1950. Not only this Mike's Cigars offers best cigars online at discounted prices.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Some of the Most Expensive Cigar Brands in the World.

Cigar smoking is a widespread hobby amongst veterans, elite and young men alike. Yet the borderline that separates cigar connoisseurs from regular smokers is the choice of brand. Keeping this in mind, let us discuss a list of some of the most expensive cigar brands in the world.

  • The Gurkha Black Dragon worth $1,150.00 is currently the most expensive cigar in the world. Every stogie is 8.5 inches long and 52-inch thick; they are packaged in beautiful hand crafted bone chests and are extremely rare to find. Only a selected few dealers supply this cigar.

  • The 7.5 inches long and 52-inch ring Cohiba Behike has been making rounds since 2006 only. It is worth $470 a piece because only 100 pieces were manufactured by the makers of the cigar.

  • Arturo Fuente Opus X “A” s worth $79.00 per stogie. It is a rare cigar collection and highly valuable. It is 9.2 inches long with a ring size of 43 inches. Very few cigar shops and online retailers deal in this rare cigar.

  • Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario is worth $78 a piece. It has been enchanting cigar lovers since 2001 and was rerelease with a new packaging in 2008.

  • King of Denmark cigars are made-on-order. That is why each one is worth $75.00.

  • Arturo Fuente Opus X BBMF is worth $55 and mainly makes it to every cigar lover’s collector-humidor-box.

  • Louixs is a $50 worth cigar and has been time and again labeled as the finest in the market. It comes in single packs of 1 stogie.

  • Magnum 46 Cab 50 from H.Upmann is 14 cm long cigar with 5.6in ring size. A box of 50 can cost up to $440 in the market.

Now that we have gone through the list of expensive and premium cigar brands, it won’t be tough to be categorized as a cigar connoisseur. Place your order for one of these stogie packs and without a doubt, become the VIP guest of any party.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

3 Gifting Ideas for Father’s Day

Father’s Day comes just once a year, and this year you can make it a memorable one for your old man. The following gifts from our store are highly recommended. We assure you that they have been carefully selected and assorted with love; so they will surely make fantastic gifts for a dad. 

  • The ULTIMATE GIFT BASKET from Mike’s Cigars is a unique assortment of premium cigars and accessories in a handsome basket. Merchandise from top brands such as the La Gloria Cubana Artesano De Obelisco Spcial, Cohiba Crystal Collection and luxury ashtray, CAO Champion Sampler Mark II, Brazilia/Italia cigars & Coffee, Macanudo Collection adorn the gift set. Best part is Mike’s is offering this awesome collection at just $450 on the occasion of Father’s Day, followed by the CIGAR GOURMET GIFT BASKET.

  • Try the GURKHA SPEC OPS BLACK CHURCHILL WITH TRAVEL HUMIDOR, a befitting gift for tough personalities such as a father. This outrageous Cigar Travel Case is Kaizad Hanostia’s one of a kind invention; what makes it special is the ballistic material it is made up of. Surprise your veteran/in-service father with this macho gift set at under $166 only exclusively at Mike’s Cigars.

  • Those of you who would like to keep it subtle an go for a $ 24.95 OLYMPUS LIGHTER TRIPLE TORCH WITH PUNCH BLACK. It is a luxurious looking designer lighter that has intricate details and lots of functionalities; so let your old man fidget away to his contentment and light up his favorite stogie.

We recommend the above products highly because these will make unique Father's Day gifts ; besides they will rock the celebrations surrounding the great man that your pop is!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

How to Choose a Right Cigar

Cigars are back in style and they are here to stay. They represent style, character, and class. However, choosing the right brand and flavor for you is a little difficult right in the beginning and we’ve created a short guide to help you out.

Research The Brands – There are many companies online and finding the right flavor and taste is difficult. It’s a good idea to start your search for the perfect cigar by visiting a professional cigar sale website. Read as many reviews and personal opinions as possible. Forums are also a good place to get good information. Just enroll in the forum and ask a few questions. Veteran cigar smokers will be happy to help. Based on these recommendations, make a list of the most recommended brands for beginners. Cigar websites too have a customer service section that you can use to ask questions and ask for recommendations.

Check Ratings – The Cigar Aficionodo Magazine rates cigars for personal use and these ratings are a good guide for beginners. Before you head out to a local store or a website, just check the rating online. Preferences and tastes will but the rating will give you a good idea of how the shortlisted cigars rate in quality, flavor, aroma and taste.

Get Your Hands On – If you can find a local store, visit the store and feel the different brands that you have shortlisted. A quality cigar is shiny, firm and gives off a strong tobacco fragrance. Feel as many brands as possible and choose several that appeal to you in taste and fragrance. Good cigars will not crumble and they will be covered with a thick, slightly oily covering. 

Cigars are the perfect complement to your lifestyle and they are wonderfully relaxing. Take your time while choosing a cigar and have fun trying out different brands and companies. Nothing compares to the taste and flavor of a well-made cigar and with the right brand, you have a great time. 

Monday, 12 May 2014

Check Out For Mike’s Cigars Clearance Sale

So, you want to get yourself a box or boxes of really good quality cigars but are apprehensive about burning a hole in your pocket? Well, here’s the answer for you. All you need to do is to head to Mike Cigars and check out the clearance sale on their website.

With over forty different varieties of cigars to choose from there is no minimal possibility that you would not find one or for that matter more than one that will catch your fancy.

The different options on sale include the Carlos series, the Fonseca and an El BeestRobusto and prices range from $73.50 and $142.95.

Most people who smoke cigars have a preference with regards to what they want to smoke and individual preference gets high priority. That being said, with such a high range on offer and with such discounted prices it is hard to imagine how anything bought will not turn out to be a steal.

In addition to the discounted prices there is also a free shipping offer and that too without a minimum purchase and that is a big bonus. Cigars can turn out to be extremely premium gift options and even for those who do not smoke them the prices can mean a classy gift to someone they want to impress.

The number of cigars available in each box varies according to variety and size and what that means is that there are a series of options available on that front too.

Still thinking? Don’t. Head over to Mike Cigars online right away and shop to your heart’s content. This is a sale you wouldn’t want to miss!

New Super Ratings Cigar Sampler

When it comes down to pulling out all stops for their customers, there is no stone that the team at Mike’s Cigars leave unturned. That would explain why they have come out with a fabulous new package product showcasing some of the best-rated cigars for their customers to sample.

Called the Super ratings Cigar Sampler and consisting of the following varieties Romeo and Julieta, Alec Bradley Mundial, La Aurora, Flor De Las Antillas Belicoso and Aging Room  Motivo, this sampler is available in a box of 5, 10, 20 and 50.

All of these Cigars are of a premium variety and not easy to procure. At Mike Cigars however, the varieties are available for clients to sit back and enjoy. Who would not love a relaxed environment with a glass of wine in one hand and a fancy, great tasting, aromatic cigar in the other? With that vision in mind, it makes complete sense to head to the online store of Mike Cigars i.e. their website and check out the sampler for one self. For sure, there would be no room for disappointment.


In addition to the great comparative prices, which are almost 43% lower than the standard rates, there is also the option of getting free shipping by using discount code provided.

Now if that’s not a deal, we don’t know what is? And that too for quality that has already been proven to be the best out there.
So what are you contemplating? If cigars are what you love, then head over to Mike Cigars today and pick a sampler pack of your choice. It’s a deal you are not going to regret!

Friday, 2 May 2014

A Complete Guide to Buy Cigars

If you are new into cigar world then there is something for you to cheer about. A complete guide to buying cigars is here for you which will make you comfortable in ordering a cigar. It contains every essential information for buying a cigar and important factors to keep in mind while ordering


Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Cigar Samplers and Assortments by Mikes Cigars

If you are an aspiring aficionado who wishes to learn more about different cigar flavors and varieties then Mike’s Cigars’ Cigar Samplers and assortments are the product for you. In fact, these are great if you want a perfect gift for a cigar loving friend of yours. Plus, they are cheaper than regular cigars!


Combining the best of different brands and flavors, these samplers include over a 100 different varieties of brands, which can be customized for those who want different flavors and products clubbed together. Therefore, you can try dark, woody notes with a hint of leathery flavor or have a blend of spices like vanilla or chocolate for cigars that are a perfect alternative for all kinds of desserts after lunches and dinners. These cigars are a must have for those who seek to try a variety of flavors before they begin to develop a palate.

Cigar Samplers are available from brands like Padron, Acid, Alec Bradley, Ashton, Bauza and others. If you want these samplers to be gifted, you opt for custom cigar brands to gift them as a personalized token of love and appreciation. And when you buy samplers, make sure that you get a humidor to kick start your love for smoking cigars.

Apart from samplers and specials, Mike’s Cigars also offers lighters and other accessories. Shipment is free, so you wouldn’t have to worry about burning a hole in your pocket. The company has been distributing cigars since 1950.

Visit the website to check out samplers, best cigars for the month and to order cigars.

Get a Baseball Cap free with Padron 1926 Series

Padron Cigar 1926 Serie is known for its complex blend of flavors. They are pressed to perfection and come with silky, dark and smooth flavors, which are full bodied for those cigar aficionados. These elegant beauties burn well and evenly, boasting of rich and woody tones with array of flavors. Available in different varieties of flavors for distinct palates, these cigars can be purchased in cocoa, black cherry flavors as well. And now, you can get a free baseball cap, worth $25.00 free with your purchase.

 These silky and dark, Padron cigars are well balanced and the best for a cigar lover. Their woody and leathery notes, with caramel and spice makes them perfect for those after dinner occasions and leaves no room for dessert. Plus, the addition of a baseball cap makes them an all more irresistible deal.

But before you go ahead and purchase them, make sure that you buy from an organization that provides authentic cigars. To ensure their authenticity, you should buy cigars that come with double band and individual numbers, which can be later checked for their authenticity. A single box purchase of Padron guarantees this gift, along with the specialty of smoothness and full bodied flavor. Make sure that you buy box pressed cigars for the best deals and lowest rates online.

Our organization, Mike’s Cigars is currently distributing the deal, where you can get a baseball cap free with Padron 1926 Serie. Make sure that you visit the website to clinch the best deals on cigars!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Amazing Cigar Deals For Fine Winter Season

With the winter giving tough times and the chilling winds sending shivers down your spine, there can be no better way to enjoy the season than to get transported to the tropical and temperate climatic zones by puffing on some delectable Romeo Y Julieta cigars. The rich flavors and creamy smoke of this world-class brand bring in a whole lot of variety endowing your body, mind and soul with the warmth that you feel is the need of the hour. To bestow its millions of cigar fans the privilege of tasting some of the most lip-smacking varieties, the brand has come up with the unique packs of Romeo Y Julieta cigar samplers with a discount of 50 percent on the retail price.


 The pack of five cigars in the sampler embraces Romeo Y Julieta 1875, Reserva Real, Cabinet selection, Habana Reserve and Reserve Maduro No 4. Four of the cigar varieties come in the size of Corona, 5 ½ x44, while one encompass the Maduro variety with 5x44 cigar size. Cigar aficionados can get to taste five different assortments of flavors through these five cigars that lend a complete element of relaxation and refreshment in sultry winter evenings. Take a puff of the Romeo Y Julieta Cabinet Selection to experience a smooth creamy flavor tinged with the aroma of oils which come from the wrapper. Experience the true essence of the romantic tragedy with the hearty flavor of the Romeo Y Julieta Habana Reserve or treat your taste buds with the exuberantly creamy and dark coffee zests of 1875 variety.

To get some more discounts on your Romeo Y Julieta cigars Winter Special Sampler pack, buy it from Mike’s Cigars to enjoy absolutely free shipping over the 50 percent discount deal.  Bet you will not detest the winter chills ever.

Popular and Affordable Ashton Cigars

The mind blowing range of Ashton Cigars, better known as Ashton Classic comes from the factories of Arturo Fuernte and made from the rarest of Dominican leaves in the Dominican Republic. The cigars are manufactured in 6 various blends which embrace two most popular varieties of the brand namely, the Virgin Sun Grown and the Aged Heritage. The medium-bodied cigar tantalizes the taste buds of cigar buffs with a spicy peppery flavor whose richness is felt consistently throughout the body of the cigar from the first puff till the end.


Ashton Classic comes in cigars of myriad sizes and what appeals to many cigar lovers are the exquisite miniatures in the form of Ashton Mini Cigarillos, the Ashton Cordial, the Ashton Half Corona, Ashton Esquire and Ashton Cigarillo 10/10. For those who like to relax and soothe their minds with the smoky delights of cigars for long time over chatting or pondering over a drink the big cigars from Ashton Magnum, Aston Prime Minister, Ashton Imperial, Ashton Majesty, Ashton Belicoso and Ashton Crystal No.1, the most coveted among these being the Ashton Panatella.

Apart from the exuberant golden wrapper and the rich taste, what makes the Ashton line of cigars most popular among cigar connoisseurs is the affordable price at which you get to taste some of the most delightful range of cigars. Coming at a price of 8.70 for a single Ashton cigar, the brand is considered a reasonable option among its more expensive counterparts, many of which go beyond reach of common men. However, the producers ensure that quality is not compromised in any way even with the best prices at which the cigars are available in the market.

So if you are looking for some grand cigar tasting experience and do not know where to look for, Mike’s Cigars brings its fascinating collection of Ashton Cigars right at your doorstep and at mind blowing discounts as well.


Pay Less for Gurkha Cigars

The joy of holding a luxuriant cigar in your hand and sharing nostalgic anecdotes and indulging in laughter with old friends is an experience of a lifetime and when the cigar which stands in between your fingers is one of Gurkha Cigars there is no doubt about the pleasure that you will derive. Gurkha cigars come in extremely smooth flavored concoctions and exuding a robust built mostly enveloped in matte wrappers and delightful for average cigar smokers. Although a relatively newer launch in the cigar cosmos the brand has already received a lot of plaudits with such awards bestowed on its various categories as 10 Best Cigar Award for the Gurkha 125th Anniversary Special Series and Best Bargain Cigars for the Ninja line of Gurkha cigars.


The brand came to be categorized as the most expensive cigar in the world when it launched its His Majesty’s Reserve cigar, a limited edition of cigars containing cognac drops of a very rare variety which went on to give it a price of $15,000 for a box. While this variety remains reserved for the upscale and elite cigar connoisseurs, there are others which cater to the pockets of bargain cigar hunters as well, such as the Ninja priced at $118 for a pack of 18 and Legend Intruder Torpedo costing $320 for a bundle of 20 cigars. However, when bought online you can pay much less and yet enjoy an authentic cigar tasting experience.

Mike’s Cigars boasts itself of stocking a fascinating repertoire of Gurkha Cigars at much attenuated rates than the market prices. For instance the Gurkha Ninja box of 20 can be obtained at $92.95 and the Legend Torpedo can be enjoyed by shelling only $79.95 instead of the whopping $320. This and much more awaits you at Mike’s Cigars from the extensive array of some of the best varieties of Gurkha cigars.

Behind the Success of Camacho Cigars


Hold a Camacho Cigar in your hand and you will know for sure the stupendous amount of craftsmanship that goes into rolling and making the wrapper. Take a puff and you will be transported to a world of pleasant surprises with distinct, creamy flavors striking your olfactory senses and tantalizing your taste buds to the lees. Every bit of this luxury cigar coming in myriad varieties and an assortment of tastes and aromas speaks volumes about the attention to detailing and the care taken to manufacture them. Thanks to the pioneering initiative of Simon Camacho, cigar aficionados today can get to treat themselves to some delightful tinges of cigar flavors with this world-class brand.

So what is the story behind the success of the Camacho Cigars? Simon Camacho, a Cuban native by origin embarked on his cigar entrepreneurial venture in Miami, Florida in 1961 which soon gained immense success reaching out to such renowned personalities as Winston Churchill the honorable Prime Minister of Britain. Five years post Camacho’s death in 1995 the reins of his company were taken over by the Eiroa family who brought the tobacco production culture to Honduras from Nicaragua. It was under the patronage and efforts of the President of the company Christian Eiroa, that Camacho Cigars reached its zenith of success becoming a part of the elite cigar companies of the world.

 The company as you see currently is a part of the cigar Giant Oettinger Davidoff Group, although the Eiroa family still remains the owners of the tobacco fields in Honduras. Camacho cigars are made from the tobacco cultivated and harvested in Jamastran Valley, Nicaragua and Honduras tobacco fields and rolled and cured in factories which are operated by Julio Eiroa in Jamastran and Christian in Miami. The meticulous efforts of the cigar artisans, the attention to maintaining high quality and competitive prices are some of the factors which according to the Eiroa family have been reasons behind the unprecedented success of the Camacho Cigars.

 If you are a cigar aficionado and wish to relish the true flavors of Camacho, Mike’s Cigars is your ultimate cigar destination to get your hands on a variety of cigars under the brand.

Monday, 3 March 2014

The Best Places to Get Davidoff Cigars

It is one of the brands that have grown with striking demand. Yes! We are talking about Davidoff, one of the most popular Cigar brands around the world. Known for being made in Dominican Republic since the early 90s, the brand has now expanded its bases to deal with tremendous appetite for Nicaraguan. The result is a fine blend of Nicaraguan and Cuban cigar varieties, which have elegance and balance, boasting of a flavor profile that goes from creamy to sweet to spicy and leathery. Toro is amongst the world’s favorite when it comes to Davidoff. But what are the best places to get your Davidoff Cigars?
Believe it or not, it’s not your local retailer! In fact, if you want original, heavy bodied and strong Davidoff products that suit your requirements, then online cigar stores are your best option. Offering hassle free cigar shopping experience, these online retailers will provide you the largest variety of cigars from Davidoff than your local retailer ever will.
But when it comes to the best places for buying Davidoff, make sure that you purchase your cigars only from a trusted retailer, someone who offers fresh cigars, has testimonials, money back guarantees and faster shipping. After all, you wouldn’t want your cigars from Davidoff to spend too much of time in transit, away from their humidors. Would you?
Davidoff is one of the brands that have widest range of cigars. And what may appeal to your cigar loving friend mayn’t appeal you. That’s why you should choose a website that offers unique cigar samplers. Some of the best cigar sellers offer different cigars to choose from. You can select a box size and then order something that suits your taste buds and flavor requirements.
While purchasing cigars from Davidoff, the best place to buy is a website that offers data encryption, allowing you to make a safe purchase. This ensures that you not just get one of the best cigars in the world, but also secure your personal and banking information from being interpreted by anyone else. Read privacy policy or terms of usage if required. Look for someone that offers free shipping facilities, which will help you save oodles of money.
Lastly, a word of caution! Never ever buy cigars from Davidoff by a website that offers Cuban Cigars. By Cuban cigars, we don’t mean cigars made from Cuban Tobacco, but Cigars that are manufactured in Cuba. It is illegal to sell Cuban made cigars in US and you may end up paying thousands of dollars in fine. Plus, you would never know if the products are real or counterfeit. So, only a reliable and popular cigar seller online is the best place to buy cigars from Davidoff.

You're Losing Money by Not Using Avo Cigar

Puffing from an Avo isn’t just about smoking experience. In fact, it is all about taking pleasures in subtle and sometimes overwhelming flavors of these prestigious cigars. Avo’s grand cigars and myriad flavor profile is what makes them must have. And if you are a cigar lover and not using Avo, then sadly you are losing all your money!
Avo is a result of collaboration between Avo Uvezian and Hendrik Kelner along with Davidoff. Yes, Uvezian is the same guy who penned Sinatra’s ‘Strangers in the Night.’ He, along

Considering that Avo has endless varieties of cigars , investing on the brand is perhaps one of the best ways to ensure that you get the best flavors for the price. In fact, cigar connoisseurs even believe that if you don’t have Avo on your list of cigars then you are probably just wasting and losing your money. Want to know why? Well, the brand produces some of the following popular vitolas, which makes them a must have for cigar lovers-

Domaine Avo - One of the most popular, this one isn’t just about an excellent draw and burn. It is all about enjoying earthy balance. Hint of orange peel and cumin makes it rich and elegant.
Heritage Short Torpedo-Love Chocolate? Well, this cocoa wrapper will certainly woo you. It is a full bodied smoke with heady leather and spice notes that any expert level cigar smoker would love to puff. Hint of earthy touch is accentuated by cocoa bean.

75th Anniversary- You are not a true cigar lover if you haven’t laid your hands on it. Don’t lost money; invest on the 75th Anniversary edition, which boasts of firm bunch, rounded heady, toasty coffee flavor and subtle amalgamation of nuts. The best part- the flavor of this one improves as it ages!
No. 3- This one is an absolute value for investment and a joy to smoke. Packed with tobacco, hint of chocolate and spice, it is wonderful and the flavors are long lasting!

With Davidoff’s reputation and Kelner’s Cigar making skills brought out perfect cigars, which results in one terrific smoke. One can imagine their fan base considering that the brand sells over 2 million super premium sticks annually. Constructed from finest of the premium leaves, showing shade wrapper and boasting of Dominican filler leaves, Avo cigars are one of those products that offer value for every cent spent! Consequently, the cigar lover gets creamy, smooth taste, subtle flavors and wonderful aroma that heightens the senses and stimulates mind.
Domaine Avo 20- It is an erroneous belief that Avo doesn’t have great products for beginners. In fact, the brand has special Domaine Avo 20, which is a fine draw designed to warm up slowly, showing leather and earth notes along with rich, woody flavor.
With exceptional varieties, long lasting flavors and incredible puffs, Avo is the brand that you must not miss upon.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Things You Can Do To Quit Smoking

Smoking tobacco causes around 5 million deaths throughout the world every year. But it is an easily preventable cause of death. Saving your life is in your hands only. The tar contained in traditional cigarettes not only causes the lung cells to die but also destroys the cilia. Cilia is the hair lining in upper airways which protect against infections.

 Quitting is beneficial for you and also for people who are exposed to second hand smoke. Regeneration of cilia which is not paralysed starts in about three days of quitting, and the lining tissue of the windpipe would slowly revert back to its normal condition. But quitting smoking is not an easy task because overcoming the nicotine addiction is very difficult. It causes severe and disturbing withdrawal symptoms. And a smoker usually succumbs to their urge for nicotine once again.

The launch of electronic cigars and cigarettes which have the potential to help people quit smoking has stormed the markets with more smokers willing to give it a try. Many researchers claim that it can help smokers kick the habit completely. There are various types of flavoured electronic cigarette available in the market you can opt for one with a flavour of your favourite fruit, beverages or chocolates. You can start with the starter kits that have E cigarettes with various concentrations of nicotine. And gradually you can move on to lower levels of nicotine and ultimately go for the electronic cigarette without nicotine.

There are several alternatives to tobacco other than electronic cigars like nicotine gums, nicotine patches, nicotine inhalers etc. But all of this works great as long as you keep using them. But research shows that unlike electronic cigars you cannot control their dosage and they are also not a permanent solution because once you stop using them you get the urge to start smoking once again.
So give E cigarettes a try and you will see that you will come out with flying colours as you will be able to fight and kill the habit of smoking forever.

To know how these electronic cigarettes can help you or to order your first pack, logon to www.eshishaclub.com. or read this article : http://goo.gl/SSXqqv

What are the withdrawal symptoms of Quitting Smoking?

Are you a heavy smoker?? Then you would be well aware of the fatal diseases caused by the same. But quitting smoking is not that easy and has its own perils which are known as withdrawal. It is your body’s way of responding to absence of nicotine.

     The many side effects quitting smoking are:
  • You are more irritable, more anxious, start losing temper quickly, less fun to be around and also start having sleep troubles.
  • As nicotine is a stimulant it keeps the body alert without it you feel tired and low in energy. Plus it becomes hard for you to concentrate.
  • It causes dry throat, cough and post nasal drips which is a sign of your lungs clearing out the tar from your airway.
  • You end up with tight chest due to tensed muscles from craving nicotine.
  • You feel dizzy as the body adjusts to the higher oxygen levels in your body.
  • It makes you feel hungry because body confuses the craving for nicotine with hunger.
  •  It also causes constipation and gas because the bowel movement slows down.
  • Lastly the craving for one cigarette becomes enormous as your brain begs for a nicotine hit.
But don’t let all this stop you from quitting smoking. Introduce yourself to smoke free and nicotine free e cigarettes as a comparatively risk free alternative. They contain flavourful but odourless propylene glycol solutions which can gradually reduce your cravings for nicotine. And instead of smoke you inhale and exhale water vapour which is termed as vaping. The nicotine free e cigarettes are harmless as they do not contain the addictive nicotine. Plus these smoke free e cigarettes are environment friendly and can be smoked everywhere. Also unlike a normal cigarette it will not leave you with an unbearable stink. These refillable electronic cigarettes are pocket friendly and are real alternative to smoking cigarettes.

To know more about herbal e cigarettes or to order your first pack browse through the items on offer at www.eshishaclub.com.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Cigar Humidor Myths- You Must Know

Caring for cigars is not as tough as it seems like. The process is very simple and involves a sealed container, preferably a humidifier. It is just that the humidifier or humidor needs to be kept moist with regular water or specific chemicals like propylene glycol or PG. PG is easily available in pure form from any pharmacy. In case the humidor is a clay one, water moistening works fine. But the basic idea here is to expose the myths attached to humidifiers and cigar storage on the whole. Some of these myths are as follows:

  • Only distilled water must be used to moisten a humidifier – Tap water can as well be used. It is just that mineral in it tend to clog the vents of a humidifier. So one can clean the vents on a regular basis and the humidor works well. Rather tap water has chlorine content that keeps out the fungus.
  • Cigars must be stored at exactly 70% relative humidity. So hygrometers must be used to measure the same- This is a bogus idea because any good stogie like an Oliva Serie O cigar has a pliable wrapper and the stick yields to a gentle pressure. Besides, most digital hygrometers available in the market are inaccurate. So check the cigar first and then read the meter.
  • If the humidor does not have a Spanish cedar lining, it is non-functional – Spanish cedar made humidors are luxury items and work exactly as any other reasonably sealed box! Besides, humidity is best maintained in small boxes, unlike huge cedar ones. Cedar aroma fans can simply place the divider sheets from the cigar box in the humidor instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a huge cedar lined humidor to store two hapless cigars.
Hence, one has to get rid of all the misleading ideas on cigar storage because cigar care is an easy job. Besides, it is not at all an expensive project and realists can stick to the technicalities rather than spending hard earned money on overvalued storage products. 


Cigar of the Year: Aging Room Quattro F55 Cigars


Aging Room Quattro F55 Cigars are unique creations from the famous Aging Room Dominican brand. In this series, the Aging Room Quattro F55 Concerto has grown hugely popular last year. This masterpiece is a brain child of two cigar lords namely Rafael Nodal from Boutique Blends Cigars and Jochi Blanco of Tabacalera La Palma. Together they came up with this beautiful blend adorned in special Sumatran wrappers. The ultimate work of genius hones a balanced and sophisticated look as well as offers rich notes of sweet cedar and roasted coffee beans on every single puff. No wonder the Cigar Aficionado rated it as the world’s second best smoke for the year 2013.

Basically, these Aging room Quattro F55 stogies are a small batch of exquisite smokes because of the unique blend of tobacco that they hold. The most important element in these cigars is the specially aged Sumatran wrappers; these aged wrappers enhance the palate of already flavorful Havana-seed Dominican fillers and binders. But this new batch Aging Rooms is not as sweet as the original ones; rather they have an earthy aftertaste because of subtle bursts of a meaty, leathery, cedar like, nutty and smoky creaminess. Several online cigar stores like Mike’s Cigars offer great deals on these premium stogies making them accessible at pocket-friendly prices. Besides, every Quattro delivers medium-full strength and is available in Toro, Churchill, Robusto, Torpedo and Corona sizes. Cigar lovers have time and again enjoyed their Aging Room original smokes and that is the reason why this brand has a loyal fan base.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

H. Upmann Cigars Review by Mike's Cigars

H. Upmann cigars in stock, You can buy H. Upmann cigars, samplers and specials at affordable price with same day free shipping. To order H. Upmann Cigars visit http://www.mikescigars.com/brands/h-upmann or Call 800-962-4427

Aging Room Havao Cigar Review | Mike's Cigars


You can buy Aging Room Havao cigar at the lowest price online at mikescigars.com. Mike's Cigars also offer a wide range of humidors, lighters, cigar samplers and other tobacco accessories at very low price. To buy Aging Room Havao Cigar, Call 800-962-4427 or visit http://www.mikescigars.com/brands/aging-room-havao

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Davidoff Cigars – A Perfect Gift

Cigar beginners and enthusiasts happily indulge into a Davidoff cigar because a puff from a Davidoff is the best way to unwind. Besides, these cigar packs make great gifts for loved ones and go well in all occasions. Moreover, holidaying is meaningless without a Davidoff because this cigar comes in a wide range of flavors and match with all cigar gadgets. These cigars are hand crafted exclusively in the tobacco farms of the Dominican Republic. They might seem a little pricey but the rich blend and top quality in the cigar’s flavors are priceless. Best of all, one can enjoy a seamless burn as the easy draw progresses with a relentless consistency.

Basically Davidoff cigar range belongs to a Swiss luxury tobacco goods brand. The brand manufactures cigars, cigarettes and pipe tobaccos. The name is therefore synonymous with lavishness and luxury. These cigars are of the highest caliber possible and they deliver nothing but the best to the enthusiast. Some products in the line include mild to medium strength grand cru and aniversario series, mild strength corazon, classic and cigarillo series and finally the much loved medium to full strength maduro, millennium blend, Nicaragua, puro, special and white label limited edition. 

Every Davidoff cigar contains 4 years old handpicked tobacco and the fillers are exclusively Dominican. Of all the products in this category the Davidoff's Millennium Blend is hard to resist for this cigar is regarded by cigar enthusiasts as the best Davidoff blend. It consists of genuine Ecuadorian sun grown wrapper which is why the cigar releases a full-flavored, full-bodied smoke. All in all, taking a puff off a Davidoff is rich and satisfying to the brim.

Ashton Cigars- One of the Finest Cigars

High end cigars from Ashton Cigars are very popular amongst cigar aficionados across the globe. These cigars are hand rolled by experts at the Chateau Fuente factories. Basically these cigars are mild to medium-bodied and go best with a not so strong drink. This Dominican cigar comes in a Connecticut shade wrapper encompassing a deftly rich flavor that climaxes with a short and succinct finish. Besides every puff off an Ashton has a toasty aroma that is filled with competing flavors of wood and cashew nuts; this is complemented with a light yet spicy aftertaste.

The Ashton Classis is a perfectly constructed stogie that lets one draw out a smooth blend easily. The smoke is a milky cloud that further enriches the experience. Besides every Ashton burn perfectly right from the start to the finish without any flaw or blemish. One just has to keep aside an hour or two of leisure time to actually enjoy an Ashton completely. Most Ashton fans enjoy puffing on their favorite cigar brand in a laid-back social gathering at home or in an unruffled pub.

Ashton cigars are available at affordable rates and can be bought in singles or packs of 5 and 25. One must store their favorite Ashton cigars in functional humidors and age them a little to extract the most out of these hand-made cigars. This solid Dominican stogie has an element of surprise in every puff and this suspense cannot be described in words. One has to draw a smoke from a genuine Ashton to know the difference.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Romeo y Julieta Cigar Sampler

Buy Romeo y Julieta cigar sampler at Mike's Cigars with same day free shipping. The company also offers a great range of humidors, lighters and other accessories at very low price. Call to order 800-962-4427 or visit http://www.mikescigars.com